6502bench SourceGen
SourceGen is an industrial-strength disassembler for the 6502 family of CPUs, including the 65C02 and 65816. A complete list of features can be found on the project site.
Full source code is available on github.
CiderPress II
CiderPress II is a software tool for working with vintage Apple file archives and disk images, specifically those used on the Apple II series of computers and early Macintoshes. It features a command-line interface that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and a Windows desktop GUI.
Full source code is available on github.
CiderPress is a Windows utility for managing Apple II disk images and file archives. Full details can be found on the project site.
Orginally sold as shareware, it's now an open-source project available on github.
Copyright 2012 faddenSoft